Tag: quotes


This morning, Sadie and I were walking to the neighbor’s house.  The sun was shining and reflecting off the snow and Sadie said, “It’s too bright!”

I said, “I love the sunshine.  It makes me happy!”

To that Sadie replied, “When it’s on our shoulder, it makes us happy.  When it’s in our eyes, it makes us cry.”

Can you tell what we’ve been listening to?

Deodorant for cars?

Sadie is really into smells lately.   She is ever aware of the smells around her and, for example, will quickly inform us that we have stinky breath in the morning.

Today, she and I were on our way home from the store when I heard a screeching sound from another car.  Then our car filled with the unmistakable smell of a burning belt.  Sadie, obviously agitated, immediately said, “What is that smell?  Where is that smell coming from?”  After a moment of consideration, she matter of factly said, “I know what that smells like.  Armpits.  Armpit sweat.”

Where does she come up with this stuff?