Tag: funny

What are those things for?

Imagine here the photo of a bra.  Not surprisingly, I was unsuccessful in my attempt to find a picture of a bra, alone, without the sexy model.  This post is about bras only, not the busty women wearing them.  That said, I guess I could have taken a picture of my own bra, but thought better of it.  Besides, it’s probably too small to show up on film.

Onto the point of this post…

Miss Sadie innocently posed the following question:  Mom, what are those things for that people wear on these things (pointing to her chest)?

Me:  Oh, you mean a bra?

Sadie:  Yes.

Me:   Well, some girls have really big… um… things and need a bra so that their back doesn’t hurt.

Sadie:  Oh.  Then why does Savannah wear one?

In order to save Savannah any embarrasment, I won’t post my answer to that question.  But really it was the next question that got me.

Sadie:  Then why do you wear one?

What do I say to that?  Let’s see, how about:

  • “peer pressure!”  or
  • “to make my…um…things look bigger because obviously I need all the help I can get.”   or
  • as my mother-in-law once so eloquently said, ” ‘Once you hit 40, you just roll ’em up and tuck ’em in.’  And you have to have a place to tuck ’em into.”

But I thought better of it so I just said,

“I don’t know, honey.”  (But thanks for asking!)

Deodorant for cars?

Sadie is really into smells lately.   She is ever aware of the smells around her and, for example, will quickly inform us that we have stinky breath in the morning.

Today, she and I were on our way home from the store when I heard a screeching sound from another car.  Then our car filled with the unmistakable smell of a burning belt.  Sadie, obviously agitated, immediately said, “What is that smell?  Where is that smell coming from?”  After a moment of consideration, she matter of factly said, “I know what that smells like.  Armpits.  Armpit sweat.”

Where does she come up with this stuff?