Category: quotes

Say What?

blue eyesLast Sunday Sam volunteered to say the dinner prayer.  Savannah mentioned that Sam had said a lot of prayers already at church and that he was sure to have a pretty wife!  According to one of Savannah’s friends, each time you say a prayer it means your future spouse will be that much better looking.

Listening in, Sterling didn’t miss a beat before saying,

“Wow.  My future wife sure must be saying a lot of prayers.”

What a funny (and handsome) guy.


This morning, Sadie and I were walking to the neighbor’s house.  The sun was shining and reflecting off the snow and Sadie said, “It’s too bright!”

I said, “I love the sunshine.  It makes me happy!”

To that Sadie replied, “When it’s on our shoulder, it makes us happy.  When it’s in our eyes, it makes us cry.”

Can you tell what we’ve been listening to?

Say What #8 and #9

We went to the temple in St. Louis yesterday.  Sadie, as usual, had some great things to say.

At one point during the drive down, a car in front of us smelled bad.  After getting a whiff of their exhaust, Sadie said, “Something smells like penguins!”

At the park before coming home, Jeff and I had a bottle of water we were sharing.  Sadie wanted a drink but had just eaten a Hershey’s kiss.  We gave up all claims to the water when she back-washed a nice chocolatey mouthful.  Then we couldn’t help but laugh when she said, “Mmmm, It tastes like chocolate milk!”

Say What? #4 and #5

Sadie and I stopped by a friend’s house the other day to drop something off. Her little friend, Avery, was at preschool so we didn’t stay. Sadie thought she should have been able to stay anyway and was pretty upset with me all the way home. She told me Avery’s house was more fun than ours and that our house was boring.

So I asked her, “What can I do to make our house more fun?”

She didn’t skip a beat before answering, “Paint it pink and put Avery’s toys in it!”

Today at lunch, Sadie decided she was finished eating although there was plenty of food still on her plate. She climbed down from her chair and before running off to play, announced, “Mom, I’m fasting!”

Well Said #2

“I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.”

-Dr. Haim Ginott

Now, just replace the word classroom with HOME and the word teacher with MOTHER. Food for thought. It’s been true for me.