A Man and his Garage

This is the relaxed, happy smile of a man who just built himself a garage in about 5 weeks, give or take.  Yes, Jeff has officially completed his major summer project and he has a few new tools and some big muscles to show for it.  He did the last of the finishing work – painting the doors and putting on the doorknobs – on June 17.  He started building around May 7 or 8.  He had help raising the walls and putting on the roof.  Otherwise, he was a one-man-show.  He did a fantastic job!  Now let’s see what other projects I can come up with to keep him busy for the next 8 weeks…

Here are some pictures to show the whole project from start to finish.

You can click on any of the pictures to get a better look, but here’s the last one for your viewing pleasure:

Didn’t he do a great job?  As you can see, we need to do something about the driveway and he’ll be building some steps for the door, but one thing at a time.  We love it!!

2 thoughts on “A Man and his Garage

  • jackie goddard says:

    AWESOME!!!!!!! Please send this one man show our way as we have a bathroom, basement, play structure, and lawn 3 years in the still unfinished phase!!