I went down to the storage room today to find an after-school snack for the kids.  Reaching for something on the shelf, I discovered this:

While other tell-tale signs (a.k.a. droppings) are missing, Jeff thinks it’s a mouse.  This is not good news.  We had one other mouse incident several years ago and I’m still traumatized by it.  Jeff said, “I’ll take care of it.”  To that I say, “Be my guest!”  I’ll keep you posted.

UPDATE (2.5 hours later):

Well, that didn’t take long.  Our little brown mouse is in a better place.  Better than my storage room, that’s for sure!

UPDATE (2 days later):

Jeff left another trap out just in case Mr. Brown Mouse had friends.  This morning we learned that he had at least one and they are now reunited in heaven.

2 thoughts on “House Guest

  • Carol Stowell says:

    Dusting behind the door in the downstairs bathroom this morning, I discovered a resident hobo spider….who is now keeping the mouse company. Double gross!